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Nature and Culture in the Barnim


The multifaceted natural and cultural landscape of the Barnim begins at the northern gates of Berlin. For the people who live here, it offers an appreciated quality of life, for Berliners and visitors the nature park is a popular leisure and recreation area: Whether hiking or biking through picturesque landscapes, bathing in the beach resorts of the nature park, or walking on cultural-historical paths - everyone can be happy in the Barnim.

Traces of Slavic and German castles, typical villages and medieval towns, connected by old avenues in wide fields, impressive fieldstone, half-timbered and brick buildings as well as famous waterways like the 400-year-old Finow Canal are impressive testimonies to the history of the Barnim and the people who lived and live here. Speaking of tradition: the train connection between the Barnim and the big city of Berlin looks back on more than 110 years of history. Since then, sun-, air- and adventure-hungry Berliners have been able to get out into the countryside in less than an hour on the so-called "Heidekrautbahn" (NEB RB27).


The best excursion tips for the Barnim Nature Park and the municipality of Wandlitz can be found at:









